Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Well, this is it!

OK, today is the last day of school. We'll have a moment of silence to commemerate this "moment of silence!"............................ there!

Got lots to catch-up on where I was gone all day yesterday. But first... some business calls.

When are your kids out of school?

When I was growing up in Massachusetts. We went to school till June 20something... usually the 25th. I remember counting down the days... till summer vacation. It's nice that the kids here get out so early in the summer... but then again... they have no Spring Break to speak of... or Feb. vacation... hardly any holidays too.

I just had some flashbacks from my childhood...
Playing hide and seek or sometimes kick-ball in the cool of evening...
Playing cards with the whole neighborhood under the shade of a huge maple tree. Ah... those days felt like they'd go on forever!!!
Playing barbie dolls with my 2 best freinds on the side of my house. I had a Ken doll and the sporty car and 1 friend had a house... the other had Dawn dolls who became the children of our Barbie dolls.


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