Katie and I went for a walk on the canal road just above our new home. It's a dark, dreary day here today... a good day to work inside!
Here's our walking path this morning... very peaceful! Saw some deer tracks...
This thorny dead tree was once a Russian Olive tree. We own a forest of these thorny buggers... Their one redeeming quality is the incredible fragrance given off in the spring... and for now... they make a good wind break on the north side of the house.
On the way back, picked what's left of my carrots and beets! More about that here...
I love that she walks with you. My cat follows me wherever I go in the house. They are funny creatures. Have a great day and enjoy the last of your vegetables.
Thanks Mary! She's very good company... except she doesn't under about NOT getting in the sheetrock dust!
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