We get up in the morning and it's dark out. The kids head off to school... and it's dark out!
Just doesn't seem like we should be getting up... because it's soooo dark out!
Well, the kids are off to school now. The house is quiet. Listen.... Ahhhh....
Yesterday I made a big sauce from some of my ripe garden tomatoes. But I started late... like at supper time, so it hadn't simmered down enough. I put the big stock pot outside to chill. My older son asked if I was taking advantage of the free refrigeration... I said, why YES!
So now my sauce is simmering away again. Going to cook up the manicotti that I made yesterday too! And make some more meatballs...
Oh my house is going to smell yummy today!!!!
If the spirit moves me... I may even make bread sticks... we'll see!
Hey, I'm getting into that tweeting thing... twitter. You can follow me
Well, time to get something done! I'll try to save you a bit of manicotti and a few meatballs... but I'm not promising anything with a hungry teenager and tween!